The Brit Tech - Grow with New Tech

Privacy Policy

The Brit Tech ( Privacy Policy is operated in line with the General Data Protection Regulation. Please see the below policies to understand how we use, manage your data in our website and with our stakeholders to protect your data to shield you in the internet world.

Personal Data: We only collect names and email addresses if you subscribe via our email subscription. Please note that we do not collect any other information from our visitors. You have full rights to request that your data to remove from our mailing partner's mailing database, and we will act accordingly. If you unsubscribe, your data will be deleted from our mailing database. 

Use of data:  If you subscribe with us, we will use your data to email you when we publish any content on our website to notify you about the content publication. You can unsubscribe if you do not want to receive our emails. We will remove your data from our records or third-party service provider.

Data Share: We do not share or sell your information/data to third parties. Only our mail service provider stores your name and email address in their database. You can request details of your data by emailing us.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): We comply with the UK & EU GDPR. You can request what information we are currently holding. You have full rights to access or request your data to remove from our email provider.

Tracking and Cookies Data:   Our site uses cookies to provide our visitors with efficient content. Please see our cookies policy. You can accept or decline our cookies while visiting our site. Please note that when you visit any other site by clicking the links from our site, those external sites might save cookies on your browser and track you while visiting websites.

What sort of cookies do we use on our sites?
 ✓ Google search console/Adwords Cookies
 ✓ Session Cookies
 ✓ Preferences cookies
 ✓ Security Cookies

Third-Party Data Disclosure: We do not share/sell your data with any third party unless you have subscribed with us using your email into our email subscription. This time our email service provider will have your data saved in their database. You can unsubscribe anytime if you do not want to receive any promotional email notifications and they will remove your data accordingly from their database.

Third-Party, Affiliate, Promotional Links:  We have third-party links on our site. They are for referrals, affiliate promotions etc. These third-party links may redirect you to the original seller, or the product's official page.

Google, Bing other Search Engines: Search engines consistently crawl our website and they gather the data for analytics, AdWords, advertisement etc. You can opt-out of some of their services by disabling them from their browser settings. 

Children's Privacy: We do not collect or process any children's data who are under the age of 13. If you notice any children have submitted their data on our site without their parent's approval or attestation please let us know. We will take the necessary actions to remove their data from our system.

Social media and sharing Policy: You are responsible for sharing and liking our content on our social media profiles/pages. We do not have control over social media platforms. 

Comments Policy: The comment section will require your name, email, and website address. They will be live and public. So anyone visiting our site can see your information publicly.

Changes in Privacy Policy: Our privacy policy is subject to update from time to time. We will send notifications of these changes via email. Also, we will publish the updates on our website so that you can see the updates by visiting our website Privacy policy page. 

Contact Us: If you have any queries or concerns about the above privacy policies, please feel free to email us at [email protected] or [email protected]