The Brit Tech - Grow with New Tech

Terms & Conditions

The Brit Tech ( is an Information Technology platform where we guide entrepreneurs, IT professionals, and Businesses to boost their sales and make a profit. We write on technology, software/tools and other Tech related topics to help our visitors succeed on their platforms. We review third-party websites/tools/software and links to their official page from our website. By referring our visitors to their official website, we might have some commission from the primary seller of the software/tools. 

Information That We Collect and Use-
Personal Data: 
We only collect names and email addresses if you subscribe via our email subscription. Please note that we do not collect any other information from our visitors. You have full rights to request that your data to remove from our mailing partner's mailing database, and we will act accordingly. If you unsubscribe, your data will be deleted from our mailing database. 
Tracking and Cookies Data:  Our site uses cookies to provide our visitors with efficient content. Please see our Cookies Policy. You can accept or decline our cookies while visiting our site. Please note that when you visit any other site by clicking the links from our site, those external sites might save cookies on your browser and track you while visiting websites.
Use of Data: If you subscribe with us, we will use your data to email you when we publish any content on our website to notify you about the content publication. You can unsubscribe if you do not want to receive our emails. We will remove your data from our records or third-party service provider. 
Data Share: We do not share or sell your information/data to third parties. Only our mail service provider stores your name and email address in their database. You can request details of your data by emailing us.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): We comply with the UK & EU GDPR. You can request what information we are currently holding. You have full rights to access or request your data to remove from our email provider.  

Content, objects and Intellectual Property rights-
Our Articles:  Our team writes the articles by reviewing the original seller's product/tool/software. These articles are copyright free. We always ensure that no copied items are taken from other blogs by checking our content using plagiarism and Copyscape. 
Image and Video:  The image/graphics on our site are taken from the original seller's site. We also have subscription image graphics from other platforms, i.e. Envato elements, Pixels etc. We use copyright-free images/videos from different media too. If you have any objection to our image/graphics/videos, please get in touch with us, and we will take action as appropriate. 
Articles Copyrights: All the published articles on our site have all the rights reserved to TheBritTech.Com. 

Social Media and Sharing Policy-
You are responsible for sharing and liking our content on our social media profiles/pages. We do not have control over social media platforms. 
Comments Policy:  The comment section will require your name, email, and website address. They will be live and public. So anyone visiting our site can see your information publicly. 

Service Providers-
Analytics: Google Analytics may use and track your location. This is something BriTTech are not involved in, and we do not have any control or liability over those data. 
Payments: WE DO NOT SELL any of the products or services on our site. Any payment misuse or claims will not be accepted by the TheBritTech Team as we do not have any selling or payment facilities on our website. TheBritTech is not responsible for any payment misuse, refund, shipping or non-delivered products or claims.
Affiliate and Third Party: We refer our customers to the official product seller's website if our visitors want to see or buy the products. Affiliates may track and save your information on their sites. 

Guest Post: We do not accept guest postings, but we have some alternatives for you. Please visit the advertisement page if interested in other publishing options on our site. 
Advertising Policy: You must agree with our advertising policy's terms and conditions. Please see our advertising page to learn about advertising. 

Payment, Products and Customer-
The Brit Tech Team is not liable for the payments to the sellers or third parties. Brit Tech team is not involved with the payments and will not allow receiving any complaints from visitors. Any payment issue, misuse etc., is your and the third-party seller's matter, and BritTech is not responsible for those issues. Brit Tech team will not liaise or act as a mediator on the payment and product delivery, cancellation and other matters. 
Company Information: TheBritTech is owned and operated from the UK.  
Copyright & Reporting: If you have any objection to any content on our website, please let us know, and we will take action accordingly. Please, email us at [email protected] or [email protected]